Our Work

Our Work

Explore our project map. Discover where Severn Rivers Trust is working to restore our rivers, recover our land and empower our communities. You can move around the map or filter the project list by theme.

The types of project

Fish Passage

Fish need free flowing rivers! We are removing barriers to fish migration and reconnecting fragmented river habitats.

Water Quality

We are working with farmers, government, industry and water companies to understand where pollution is coming from and how we can stop it.


We are creating wetlands that help make the catchment more resilient to flooding and drought. We are re-wiggling river channels, putting boulders and woody materials into streams, and helping establish river plant communities that will kick-start natural processes and allow wildlife to thrive.

Land Management

We collaborate with farmers and other land managers, combining professional advice with practical solutions to help restore the health of the Severn’s rivers.


Our targeted farm advice and support is shifting agricultural practices to help restore and conserve our soils.


We are designing and planting woodlands and hedgerows to intercept overland flow, create habitat corridors and provide vital shade to protect aquatic wildlife.


Our innovative citizen science programmes and seasonal conservation tasks put volunteers at the centre of river restoration. Some roles can be done from home.

Children & Young People

We run exciting activities in schools, fun events for families and guided trips to the riverside.

Skills Development

We run a mix of volunteer placements and paid internships to give people a first step into conservation careers.

Community Outreach

We're working in historic towns and cities with distinctive characters that have been shaped and influenced by the Severn’s rivers. We’re building a sense of community pride, and empowering people to take action for their rivers.

Corporate Partnerships

We’re giving businesses the chance to support our vital work by joining us on staff away days or by sponsoring river restoration and education activities.

Bathing Waters

We’re supporting community-led initiatives to protect and enhance stretches of river where people swim paddle and play.

All projects

Project Status Filter

Coventry Rivers Citizen Science Project

In progress

Resilient River Banwy

In progress

Guilsfield Demonstrator

In progress

Black Country River Schools

In progress

Upper Onny Wetland Creation


Illey Brook Natural Flood Management

In progress

Get involved

Want to work on projects like this one? Severn Rivers Trust needs your help in order to keep the River Severn healthy & resilient.