Severn Woodlands

In progress

Through Environment Agency funding, here at Severn Rivers Trust we’ve launched our Severn Woodlands Creation grant scheme, aimed at landowners in the Severn catchment in England.


We are delivering an ambitious, multi-year programme of farm-based woodland creation throughout the River Severn catchment, to support the Environment Agency in trialling a pilot scheme, to offset the carbon emissions produced as a consequence of the necessary engineering work delivered by their Flood Risk team.

Aims & Targets

  • To create a minimum of 60ha of new native woodland habitat, across three planting seasons. The focus is on planting native, broadleaf riparian woodlands that deliver maximum benefit to the water environment, in addition to the wider biodiversity and carbon priorities.
  • No hassle for landowner – No cost to landowner for capital works and planting, this is paid for and organised through the Severn Woodlands scheme. Paperwork for pre-planting consents completed by Severn Rivers Trust. Woodland design and mapping completed by Severn Rivers Trust. No lengthy application paperwork to fill in, simply liaise with Severn Rivers Trust, a landowner agreement will be sent to landowner pre-filled. Contractors undertaking capital works can be organised, managed, and paid directly by Severn Rivers Trust.
  • Tree planting options – Native broadleaf species. Option for natural regeneration in areas with suitable seed source. Capital items, such as trees, guards, fencing, gates, all covered within the scheme.
  • Landowner payments – Total landowner payment of £5,000/ha (pro-rata) split into two payments: First payment after completion of capital works of £2,500/ha (pro-rata), Second payment after a satisfactory 5-year monitoring visit of £2,500/ha (pro-rata).
  • Landowner responsibility – In line with the Landowner Agreement. Maintenance of trees during 5-year establishment period. Vegetation management, either weeding, spot spraying or mulching, to minimise competing vegetation. Beating up, or replacement, of dead trees to ensure a 90% success rate.
Team Highlight
“‘Severn Woodlands gives us more flexibility to do the scheme we want compared to other woodland schemes’ (landowner quote). ‘We like the fact that Severn Rivers Trust sort everything out but consult with us as they go along’ “
Start date: October 2022
Completion date: March 2025
In progress
Type: Corporate Partnerships, Habitat, Land Management, Soils, Volunteers, Water Quality, Woodland

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