
Woodlands and carbon

Woodlands and carbon

Do you want to lead the fight against climate change and play your part in nature’s recovery?

The impacts of climate change are beginning to be felt everywhere, most notably in our natural environments, where changing weather patterns are now amplifying existing pressures on our sensitive ecosystems.

Achieving net zero is a global challenge. Solutions are available and small steps, taken collectively, can have profound impacts.

Offsetting emissions through the creation of new habitat, is one of the means by which we can take action. Our Severn Woodlands sponsorship scheme is intended to make that possible for businesses, individuals and local groups.

The concept is simple, for a set fee (£/ha), we will support you in creating new, native woodlands here in the Severn catchment. We will take care of everything, from site identification, to ground preparation, to planting and long-term maintenance, ensuring all of our new woodlands prosper.

Woodlands Sponsors will be invited to get involved and join the fun, should they wish, through a site visit and woodland planting day for individuals and company employees.

So, if you want to start your journey to net zero, become a Severn Woodlands Sponsor today!