Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity & Inclusion

We believe that everyone should have equal access to enjoying and connecting with rivers and nature. Addressing and promoting equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) within our work is fundamental to achieving our organisational ambitions. It is widely known that the conservation sector is one of the least diverse professions in the UK. This needs to change. 

Our charity has been striving for a more equal workplace, with notable steps including:

  • Building relationships and working with diverse partners and networks to make our mission more relevant and appealing to a wider range of people.
  • Changing how we put together job specifications and changing language to attract a more diverse range of applicants.
  • Taking an active role in the UK-wide movement to develop and share best practice and drive change within the environmental sector.

We recognize that inequality and lack of diversity within our work will not change overnight. However, we also see the urgent need for change. Diversity makes good business sense; it brings in more talent, welcomes a greater range of voices, and builds better quality environmental conversation that has stronger links with communities. 

If you have any questions about EDI within our work, or want to discuss opportunities to work together in this area, please get in touch