Cain and Nant Alan Sustainable Management Scheme


The Welsh Govt’s Sustainable Management Scheme supports collaborative landscape scale projects to improve the resilience of our natural resources and ecosystems in a way that also delivers benefits to farm businesses and rural communities. It funds the reduction of greenhouse gases from the sector and the vital action needed to help farm businesses and rural communities adapt to the impacts of climate change. Severn Rivers Trust successfully project managed a whole catchment climate resilience restoration scheme for the landscape of the River Cain and Nant Alan: Llanfyllin Powys


To protect and restore the hedges, woodlands and water course edges of a tributary of the upper River Severn in Wales.
To engage the community and schools in the catchment to enjoy and understand and support the work of the Severn Rivers Trust.

Aims & Targets

  • Support: a farmer-led, farm border to farm border landscape restoration scheme.
  • Increase: the wooded shelter for the benefit of stock and wildlife alike.
  • Protect: the water courses from access by stock and bankside over grazing to create less muddy and cooler water for wildlife in particular Salmon and Trout.
  • Engage: with schools and communities of the catchment
Team Highlight
“Working closely with the farmers and with the support of the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 and Coed Cadw. Severn Rivers Trust have been able to have a huge positive impact on restoring the hedges and edges of two whole catchments in the upper River Severn’s Catchment.”
Start date: January 2014
Completion date: December 2020
Type: Children & Young People, Community Outreach, Corporate Partnerships, Fish Passage, Habitat, Land Management, Skills Development, Soils, Volunteers, Water Quality, Woodland

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