
Severn Rivers Ecology

Severn Rivers Ecology

Supporting businesses to implement nature-based solutions to address commercial-based challenges

Severn Rivers Trust, in conjunction with Severn Rivers Ecology, our wholly owned trading subsidiary, offers a broad suite of ecological and land management-based services, with specialisms in freshwater ecology, biodiversity net gain, habitat creation and the agricultural environment.

Working across the West Midlands, from Powys in mid Wales, right the way to the Bristol channel, we have a broad client base that includes landowners, developers, statutory authorities and utility companies.

We benefit from over 15 years’ experience working in this region, during which we have developed an unrivalled understanding of local ecological priorities and a network of strategic partnerships that enables us to respond quickly to client needs and deliver efficient and effective solutions.

Our passion is nature’s recovery and the restoration of the River Severn catchment. It is, therefore, perhaps unsurprising that all of the profit we generate is invested directly back in what we care about, our charitable objectives.

Our services

Ecological Surveys

Our team of experts are on hand to provide habitat assessments and baseline surveys for a range of river environments.

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)

Whether you are a landowner or developer looking for support with BNG, we are here to help!

Woodlands and carbon

We can aid businesses aiming to offset carbon and improve green credentials with our woodland sponsorship schemes.

Land management advice

For farmers and landowners looking to try new approaches to water and land management. You can get higher yields, generate more income, and give nature a helping hand.

Want to discuss your options?

If you aren't sure which services are most suitable for your needs, or you simply want to talk through the options open to you, get in touch today.