Invitation to Tender: Feasibility and Design for Natural Flood Management Measures at Rea Brook NFM Demonstrator Project


Invitation to Tender: Feasibility and Design for Natural Flood Management Measures at Rea Brook NFM Demonstrator Project

Overview & Background

About Severn Rivers Trust

Severn Rivers Trust is a registered environmental charity dedicated to improving the River Severn, its tributaries, and the surrounding areas across England and Wales. The Trust carries out its mission through grant-funded projects, implementing physical improvements to river catchments, such as fish passage solutions and tree planting schemes, while also providing education and advice to local communities and businesses.

Project Background

The Rea Brook Demonstrator project forms part of the Severn Valley Water Management Scheme, which focuses on delivering nature-based solutions for natural flood management (NFM). Proposed interventions include:

  • Leaky dams
  • Cross slope woodland
  • Wetland creation
  • Floodplain reconnection


The project site, located near the confluence of the Worthen Brook and the Rea Brook. During flood events, water levels in the Rea Brook cause backflow into the Worthen Brook, leading to increased flooding in the villages of Worthen and Brockton. Additionally, deepening of the Rea Brook has resulted in a disconnected floodplain during floods.

The landowner is seeking to implement measures to reconnect the floodplain, allowing high flows from Worthen Brook to dissipate across approximately 28 hectares of farmland towards the Rea Brook. Proposed measures may include:

  • In-stream interventions within the Worthen Brook to encourage controlled bank overtopping
  • Creation of meandering channels and wetland scrapes across the field


The proposed NFM measures must be compatible with Higher Tier schemes such as CSW12 (Make room for the river to move) and CSW22 (Connect river and floodplain habitats).

Additionally, as the site lies within the Rea Internal Drainage Board (IDB) area, the IDB must be involved in design discussions. In other demonstrator projects, the IDB has transferred statutory drainage authority powers to Shropshire Council, which is an option for consideration. Furthermore, the Worthen Brook (from Worthen to the Rea confluence) and the Rea Brook are classified as Main Rivers.

The project must also consider the presence of protected species, including:

  • Ground-nesting birds in existing wetlands on adjacent land
  • Water voles present in nearby ditches

Project Location

Worthen, Shropshire

Objectives of the Tender

The purpose of this tender is to conduct a feasibility study to identify potential measures for floodplain reconnection and floodwater dissipation at Worthen Hall. The selected contractor will also be responsible for developing design documents that will facilitate obtaining quotes for site work implementation.

Key Tasks:

  • Conduct a feasibility study to assess potential floodplain reconnection measures.
  • Carry out necessary surveys, including a topographic survey.
  • Develop concept designs for discussion with landowners.
  • Produce detailed design documents, including a spoil management plan.
  • Estimate construction costs.
  • Collaborate with relevant stakeholders, such as the Internal Drainage Board, Shropshire Council Flood Team, and the Environment Agency.
  • Apply for all necessary permits and consents.
  • Ensure the feasibility work aligns with Higher Tier Water schemes (CSW12 and CSW22).

Expected Timeline:

  • Feasibility study and design work: Spring-Summer 2025
  • Site work implementation: Autumn 2025 (subject to permitting timelines)

Specification of Required Works

The appointed contractor must undertake the following:

  • A detailed feasibility study on floodplain reconnection potential
  • Surveys, including a topographic survey
  • Development of concept designs for landowner discussion
  • Preparation of detailed design documents, including cost estimation
  • Engagement with stakeholders, including the Rea Internal Drainage Board, Shropshire Council, and the Environment Agency
  • Submission of relevant permit applications (including a bespoke Flood Risk Activity Permit – FRAP)
  • Compatibility analysis with Higher Tier schemes


Health and Safety Requirements:

  • Adherence to Severn Rivers Trust’s Health and Safety Policy
  • Consideration of public access to the site
  • Preparation of site-specific risk assessments
  • Compliance with CDM Regulations 2015


Environmental Considerations:

  • Protection of legally protected species and their habitats
  • Immediate reporting of public complaints
  • Maintenance of a clean and tidy worksite
  • Secure closure of gates to ensure site security

Tendering Information and Instructions

Invitation to Tender

Severn Rivers Trust invites tenders from suitably qualified consultants and contractors with experience in natural flood management design and feasibility studies.

Tender Requirements:

  • Experience in similar projects
  • Demonstrated understanding of natural flood management, fish migration barriers, and floodplain reconnection
  • Method Statement and risk assessments
  • Breakdown of costs, including VAT
  • Copies of relevant insurance certificates
  • Details of any proposed sub-contracting arrangements


Key Dates:

  • Deadline for Tender Queries: 11 March 2025
  • Tender Submission Deadline: 25 March 2025
  • Evaluation and Award: 10 working days after submission deadline

Submission Format:

Tender Evaluation Criteria

Tenders will be assessed based on:

  1. Experience in similar projects
  2. Knowledge of fish migration barriers and environmental consents
  3. Methodology and resource allocation
  4. Cost competitiveness and feasibility

Contractual Information

  • Contract will be awarded within 10 working days of tender acceptance.
  • The successful tenderer must sign a formal contract with Severn Rivers Trust.
  • Subcontracting requires prior approval and adherence to contract terms.
  • Compliance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and CDM Regulations 2015 is mandatory.


This project presents an exciting opportunity to implement innovative natural flood management solutions, addressing flood risks in Worthen and Brockton while enhancing river and floodplain connectivity. The selected contractor will play a crucial role in designing effective measures that align with both ecological and agricultural objectives.
For further information or to arrange a site visit, please contact Cecilia Young at

We look forward to receiving your tender submissions and working together to enhance flood resilience in the Rea Brook catchment.

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